Wednesday, September 8, 2010


As many of you know, I grow day lilies! I also grow orchids and other things, but I have mostly day lilies.

This year I have been taking many pictures of my day lily garden. I have posted them on facebook, and you can see the two photo albums here and here. I have been meaning to blog about them for quite sometime, but only now do I have the chance.

To anyone who has grown Hemerocallis, you know this genus likes water. Many times during the summer these plants seemed like they weren't doing too well, just because I forgot to water them, but I was still blessed with more than enough pictures, and seeds (hybrids? I hope so!!). Some of the flower stalks also produced clones which I am happy about.


  1. i love lily gardens

  2. please follow/comment back :)

  3. that's something I definitely have to try!

  4. nice blog following and supporting!

  5. nom nom post pics of said lilys :D

  6. Nice place you got here mate :)

    great job bro

  7. OMG, Bonzai is sweet. I will add you to the list of people I know who grow stuff. I never did bonzai myself.

  8. My mother LOVES orchids <3 thanks for reminding me!

  9. lilies are awesome, they're really beautiful! got myself a garden and i take care of it every day
