Tuesday, September 14, 2010


At this point in my life, I am looking for a job. Not just any job, but a good job.

I found a position working in a restaurant for 9 an hour. The position is a cashier person, at a small chicken place on 14th street. The chicken is tasty, but the vegetables are to die for.

But I will continue my search. Why is a person, like myself, settling for this when I have a college degree, excellent qualifications, and even better recommendations? I applied to be a file clerk at a skin surgery place today. Did it go well? I am not sure. I think that is a good thing. I didn't want to come off as too confident, and I didn't want to come off as too quiet/antisocial. It is difficult to find a good balance.

But for now, I need to get undressed, and dressed to go to work at the chicken place. EVERYONE WISH ME LUCK


  1. good luck bro! I just got a job doing IT work. Pay is shitty but hey, its something! Dont give up bro

  2. 9 an hour was better than I made doing dishes :/

    good luck to you bro

  3. Good luck.

    also, talent and education is often wasted, so you better get used to it. :)

  4. Hey man, good luck! I just quit my job because I couldn't take it anymore.. bad jobs sucks so here's hoping you find one that makes you happy!

  5. Dont work dont wate you life whit a work :))
    trust me :))

  6. Dropping in to support your blog. I will drop by daily while doing my rounds and leave some blog "love." I would appreciate it if you dropped by and left some love. It's a blog about the 1960's French girl pop movement known as Yé-yé music.



  7. Good luck my friend.



  8. i cant stay clean enough to pass a drug test. feels bad man

  9. I hope you find what you're looking for eventually, and I can honestly say it's a hard market out there right now if not competitive (hardcore!). So, if you can make it now you can make it anytime I'd say!

  10. restaurant is good you can eat there :D

  11. Just need to keep looking man. It is a shame that a newly graduated degree bearing adult is forced to look to such places for employment. I wish you luck in your search.

  12. I wish you the best of luck! I know you will find a wonderful job :D

  13. Good luck mate.

  14. Good luck in your ventures!

  15. Good luck, if you have the mathematical ability and logical mindset and/or you creativity you might be able to get into the IT/Web design line of work

  16. Good luck out there, it really tough right now finding anything, especially a good job. Been looking for one of those myself.

  17. Good luck. Been out of work for a year myself. Went to college, can't even get a job flipping burgers. Thank you US economy.

  18. I feel you holmes, do what you can!

    click, comment, follow

  19. I hate restaurant jobs. Good luck, man.
