Thursday, February 17, 2011

February Update 3

The video explains a lot, but you are probably wondering about the project, and about the orchid things I mentioned, or even about the song in the background. The links are all included here! Also, again, if you have any ideas for how to make this project better, please leave a comment wherever this video is posted!


If you are wondering about the project, the information you want is here


Deep Cut Orchid Society Show (I purchased the Cat. Hybrid here)

The big news this week is that I managed to schedule my driving exam for March 11th. I still have to take 2 more formal driving lessons, and I have to practice a lot more before I am fully ready, but I am prepared to do what it takes.

Other than that, I obtained a new Cattleya! I dailybooth about it here

I am moving before the end of the month. So today was a packing day! Busy busy.

If you want to get an idea of the things going on in my life, you can check for updates on dailybooth

And as always leave a comment!

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